Best Buy Road Virtual Store Preview


Streem was developing a new feature package for the Best Buy app, which would allow customers to shop in a virtual 3D environment with guidance from live sales reps. To refresh support and enthusiasm within Best Buy’s leadership, Streem project leaders tasked me and the project’s lead UX designer with creating a compelling and informative previsualization of the work-in-progress experience.


UX Designer Nicole Guernsey provided a loose beat-by-beat storyboard, built from her existing Figma designs. Kami Karras, a creative technologist on loan from Streem’s engineering team, chipped in 3D Animations for key segments. I selected a soundtrack, synced the assets to it, animated a faithful representation of the planned user experience, and added expressive animated text to narrate the user journey and extoll product benefits.

The project was executed on a rushed timeline, taking less than a week from start to finish. It required close teamwork, last-minute pivots, and careful negotiation with our esteemed stakeholders at Best Buy.

While the 3D assets were still pending, and not knowing whether they’d be preferred by the Best Buy team, I produced an alternate draft cut using 2D assets. Thankfully, the 3D assets worked great and we never needed this backup cut.


At the end of the project we presented the video featured below to Best Buy’s top brass and encouraged them to distribute it within their teams.


The video was distributed internally within Best Buy, who remained excited enough about the planned experience to fund its completion. After the new experience launched, Best Buy requested a new video to help their staff and customers learn and understand it. That public-facing video was simpler and more utilitarian than the above, so I’m not including it in my portfolio but I’d be happy to share it by request.